St George Instrumental Eisteddfod Inc
Fostering musical talent for present and future generations
ABN - 25 167 759 615

General Rules and Conditions
Please Note: All rules must be read carefully to avoid disappointment and possible disqualification. Rules and conditions that apply in 2025.
1. Please refer to the "How to Enter Online" tab for more information
2. Payments are to be made to the St. George Instrumental Eisteddfod Inc. Please click here for more information
3. All entries must be completed online. No entry will be accepted unless the online entry process is followed. Click here for more information.
4. An incomplete online entry will not be accepted. All sections of the online application process must be completed.
5. Entries must be submitted online no later than 27th April 2025.
6. Any late entry submitted after the 27th April 2025. Will incur an extra $25.00 for each entry. Late entries will not be accepted after 4th May 2025.
7. The St George Instrumental Eisteddfod Inc. holds no responsibility for any incorrect details submitted.
8. An entry acknowledgement receipt with your ID number for reference will be emailed to the email address provided by you. Competitors must contact if they have not received this email within 14 days of lodgement.
9. Any changes and/or corrections of details or sections WILL NOT be permitted after 4th May 2025. Competitors are advised to check all details emailed to them carefully. Any request for changes and/or corrections of details, which are the fault of the applicant, must be accompanied by a $10.00 administration fee per each change or correction. Please check your application form thoroughly before submitting.
10. Competitors may NOT appear in section(s) other than those specified in their accepted entry form. The Committee has the right to refuse an entry.
11. Competitors must perform in events applicable to their age only, unless an event has all ages specified. Age is determined as at 27th April 2025.
12. Events titled ANY AGE are open to anyone.
13. Events titled "Restricted" are only open to competitors who have not been placed 1st or 2nd in that Restricted section, in that particular age group, in a prior St George Instrumental Eisteddfod.
14. The adjudicator's decision is final.
15. The Convenor has the right to combine, divide sections, or reduce the number of prizes depending on the number of performing competitors. The Convenor's decision is final.
16. There must be a minimum of three (3) competitors performing in each section. In the event of fewer than 3 competitors performing, each competitor will receive an adjudication report only and no trophies or monetary prizes will be awarded.
17. Competitors must register AT LEAST 15 MINUTES BEFORE the start of the event. Competitors who fail to do so will receive adjudication reports only and will not be eligible for any trophies or monetary prizes. It is advised that when travelling to the Eisteddfod venue on competition days, each competitor should allow time for transport delays and/or parking.
18. The St George Instrumental Eisteddfod Inc. accepts no responsibility for any unauthorised photocopy of music used by competitors. Please refer to the copyright laws of the Australian Commonwealth Agencies.
19. A competitor must provide at the registration table on the day of performance, a copy of the Competitor’s “own choice” music for the use of the Adjudicator. PLEASE NOTE: Any photocopied music will not be returned and will be destroyed. Commercially printed sheet music provided will be returned.
20. Choosing the correct music/style according to each section’s requirement as stipulated by the syllabus, is the responsibility of each competitor. Failure to present with the correct music will result in an adjudication report only. Only one (1) piece of music is allowed per section. You are not permitted to play the same piece of music in more than one section.
21. Competitors and their parents/supporters may not approach the Adjudicator's table, nor speak to the Adjudicator. If these rules are ignored, the competitor will be disqualified immediately.
22. Where a time limit is set for a performance, the competitor should not exceed it. Should this happen, the competitor is disqualified for a prize and will receive a report only.
23. Competitors in championship sections must compete in at least THREE SECTIONS in the 2025 St George Instrumental Eisteddfod, one of which is the championship itself. The pieces performed for the championship must not have been performed from the other two (2) or more sections. Any own choice piece that was performed in the heats, must be repeated in the final.
24. First place Championship winners are not permitted to enter the same section for the next two (2) years.
25. Persons who have been taught or advised by the Adjudicator in the six (6) months prior to the opening day of the Eisteddfod cannot compete in the Eisteddfod under that
26. Competitors waiting their turn and audience members will show consideration by remaining quiet while others are competing. If continual disruption is generated during a performance, the offender will be asked leave the room until that particular Section has been completed.
27. Mobile phones and other electronic devices must be switched off upon entering the hall.
28. Any child, 16 years or under, must be accompanied and supervised by an adult throughout their attendance at the event. Please contact us to receive a copy of our Child Protection Policy for more information on how our organisation protects the safety, welfare and well-being of children.
29. Copyright laws and Child Protection legal requirements prohibit private use of mobile phones, cameras, laptops, iPads, tablets and any other electronic recording devices in the competition area of the Eisteddfod venue. If a competitor’s parents/supporters are found using such items any time within the performance hall, the child will be disqualified from the particular section of the competition in which they are appearing. Any offender will be asked to leave the competition area.
30. The St George Instrumental Eisteddfod Committee and volunteers provides a child safe culture by supporting children and young people, their parents, guardians, families and communities, and by ensuring all staff and volunteers who work with St George Instrumental Eisteddfod are committed to safeguarding children and young people. We refer to our Child Protection Policy. Accordingly, St George Instrumental Eisteddfod will ensure that all stakeholders of the organisation know how and when to report any concerns, complaints or allegations of concerning conduct, including abuse, neglect or grooming. "Complaint" means any suggestion of abuse or harm that is disclosed, witnessed or demonstrated by a child. Typically, three categories of behaviour are the subject of a complaint: "concerning conduct": behaviours or patterns of behaviour that are a risk to the safety of children. This also refers to ambiguous behaviours that are potentially inappropriate for children to be exposed to but may not necessarily be indicators of abuse occurring. The sharing of inappropriate jokes may be an example of this; "misconduct": behaviour that constitutes a breach of the organisation’s Child Safe Code of Conduct; and "criminal conduct": conduct that, if proven, would constitute a criminal offence. Any of the above conduct is not acceptable nor allowed in the eisteddfod venue. This rule applies to all people who are attending the Eisteddfod venue. The offending person/people will be asked to leave immediately and/or appropriate authorities will be notified.
31. The Eisteddfod reserves the right to record, film, broadcast, telecast, videotape or photograph any entrant, item or event in the Eisteddfod without notification and any such photograph, recording or broadcast may be used at the Eisteddfod’s discretion for publicity or promotional purposes, but shall not necessarily constitute an endorsement of any participants, and no remuneration or compensation whatsoever shall be attributable to any participants so featured.
32. The Eisteddfod, at its sole discretion, may promote or publicise the profile of any entrant and their participation and publish names and competition results, including photos via electronic and printed media at its discretion.
33. Personal details provided by an entrant on the entry form are for the Eisteddfod identification use only and are not released to third parties except at the Eisteddfod’s discretion after consultation with the entrant to known organisations when an opportunity may be beneficial to an entrant.
34. Large bags, for example BACKPACKS, SCHOOL BAGS, INSTRUMENT CARRYING CASES ARE TO BE LEFT AT THE REGISTRATION AREA. These types of items are not permitted in the competition area of the Eisteddfod.
35. The St George Instrumental Eisteddfod Inc. wishes to advise we are not responsible for any accident, injury, and/or loss of property. Please be responsible for your own personal items when attending the St George Instrumental Eisteddfod Inc.
36. All protests must be in writing and handed in within one hour of the completion of a section, accompanied by a fee of $50.00. The fee is forfeited if the protest is dismissed.
37. Disruptive behaviour and/or the consumption of liquor is not acceptable nor allowed in the eisteddfod venue. This rule applies to all people who are attending the Eisteddfod venue. The offending person/people will be asked to leave immediately.
38. Admission to the competition area is to be made by Card only at the main entrance of the Kogarah School of Arts. See our website prior to attending the
Eisteddfod for entry fees.
39. Competitors entering sections P202, P208, P217 and P230 are only eligible to enter one graded section only.
40. The St George Instrumental Eisteddfod Inc. does not provide instruments other than the piano(s) for any section. If a competitor requires another instrument other than the piano, they must provide their own instruments.
41. Failure to comply with any of the foregoing rules and conditions may cause withholding of prizes, disqualification, and/or a future bar. The decision of the Eisteddfod in all questions or disputes arising out of or not provided for by these rules and regulations will be final. All entries are received according to this condition and in the spirit of friendly competition upon which the Eisteddfod is based, and no dispute shall become the subject of any appeal at law.
42. All the rules and conditions above apply to the String divisions.
43. Competitors entering sections ST311, ST323 and ST328 are only eligible to enter one graded section only.
44. Competitors who enter Open age String Concerto Championship (ST331) must compete in at THREE SECTIONS in the 2025 St George Instrumental Eisteddfod, one of which is the championship itself. The pieces performed for the championship must not have been performed from the other two (2) or more sections.
45. The first placed Open Age String Concerto Championship Winner is not permitted to enter the same section for the next two (2) years.
46. The St George Instrumental Eisteddfod Inc. does not provide an official accompanist for any section. Each competitor must provide their own accompanist both for rehearsals and for the performance itself. Failure to provide an accompanist does disadvantage the performance and will result in a competitor not being considered for a prize in that section.
47. NOTE FOR ACCOMPANISTS: Accompanists are entitled free entry only if an application to the Convenor is received by email - one month prior to the opening day of the St George Instrumental Eisteddfod.